Tuesday, August 7, 2012


1 measure vodka
1 measure pomegranate juice
1 tbsp. lime juice
Maraschino cherry

It takes a village. My sister-in-law Amy was a real peach today. Not only did she let my preteen sleep over last night so she could drive him to and from boat camp, she also took pity upon me and made me a cocktail when I came to pick him up. I love drinking my daily cocktail (most days anyways), but always making them can wear on a gal.

Amy had the cocktail recipe found above laying around, but she forgot where it came from and its name was unknown. So we improvised by calling it the AMY POMEGRANATE CHAMPAGNE SPECIAL. Her lack of a cocktail shaker (I think I feel a birthday gift idea coming on) also had us improvising. She put all of the ingredients above, except for the champagne, into a large, fast-food like, drink container. She then added ice, stirred it well and used a spoon to strain the mixture into some wine glasses. Amy then topped the cocktail off with about ½ measure of champagne and plopped a cherry in the bottom with the finesse of a former bartender.

The AMY POMEGRANATE CHAMPAGNE SPECIAL looked like hose water, but tasted like lurid champagne. It works well as a champagne alternative. It had the bubbles — which looked especially cool rising from the cherry on the bottom — but not the sweet. The vodka and lime were barely detectable, yet the cocktail had a citrus taste. Amy used a low-cal pomegranate acai berry juice instead of regular pomegranate juice, which would have doubtlessly made it a darker and less acai cocktail. Probably better too. Still, the Amila way was better for my figure and one does not complain to one’s village.

Drink Up^
Cocktail Connie

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