Sunday, August 26, 2012


2 measures gold tequila
4 measures orange juice
½ measure grenadine

After a fun and adventurous weekend, the sunset has arrived. It’s my sunset on the weekend and my sunset on the summer. For though the calendar says that summer ends on Sept. 21st, every one with kids knows that summer really ends when the school year starts. For us, this is tomorrow. Hence, I needed a simple cocktail recipe, like the one for the TEQUILA SUNSET. To make the pretty cocktail, I put gold tequila and orange juice into a tall glass that I had filled with ice. I gave it a stir, then I added grenadine by pouring it over the back of a spoon, so that it floated to the bottom like a setting sun.

The TEQUILA SUNSET is a fine way to enjoy a fine, smooth, aged, gold tequila. The OJ and tequila are wonderful together, and the grenadine an added bonus. This cocktail is fruity, light and slightly sweet. Tequila is only an occasional spirit for me, but the TEQUILA SUNSET makes me want to have it more. It would be great for sipping during a sunset, a sunrise, or anytime in between. And I especially love this cocktail’s stunning yellow color. It reminds me of the bus that is going to pull up to my house tomorrow morning and take my preteen away!

Drink Up^
Cocktail Connie

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