Sunday, August 19, 2012


1½ measures cognac
½ measure crème de casis
¼ measure lemon juice

A hard case saved Hubby’s iPhone this weekend after it went flying off the outside top of the trunk of his car and onto a highway median. After an embarrassing and exhaustive search along the side of the highway entrance ramp, there was his iPhone, completely unscathed.

The HARD CASE cocktail also gave Hubby great joy this weekend. To make it, I just put the items listed above — including delicious crème de casis blackcurrant liqueur — into my new Rabbit cocktail shaker, added ice, shook it well, and strained the pretty, dark purple, mixture into a cocktail glass. I garnished with a slice of orange, but a slice of lemon would have been better.

Hubby really loved the HARD CASE cocktail. That’s because it’s very close to his beloved sidecar cocktail, which has Cointreau instead of crème de casis. I love crème de casis, but only liked the HARD CASE cocktail. I don’t think I’ve developed a taste for cognac yet and I was hard pressed to finish it. But if you like cognac, the HARD CASE is a must try. Just beware that it is a strong cocktail and, unlike Hubby’s iPhone, have too many and you may not come away unscathed.

Drink Up^
Cocktail Connie

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