Wednesday, August 1, 2012


1 ounce vodka
1 ounce gin
1 ounce Chambord raspberry liquor
1 ounce tequila
1 ounce light rum

Today is Jerome John “Jerry” Garcia’s birthday. If he was still alive, he would have been 70 years old and no doubt still Truckin’. I’ve always been a big fan of the legendary guitarist and leader of the Grateful Dead. I saw my share of Grateful Dead shows while in college in the late 80s and I’m glad I had a chance to experience the Deadhead life before it died with Jerry.

I have such great memories of my time dancing to the Dead that I just had to honor Jerry Garcia with a GRATEFUL DEAD DRINK. To make it, I put that long, scary list of ingredients above into a cocktail shaker with ice, shook and strained it into a large highball glass half-filled with ice. I topped it off with a little bit of sour mix (which the recipe said was optional) and a raspberry.

The idea behind the GRATEFUL DEAD DRINK is that it is like a Long Island Ice Tea, only better. But, as much as I love the Dead, I think the GRATEFUL DEAD DRINK would only be enjoyed by the tripping. It is way too much booze, with nothing to balance it except the Chambord. It is probably the first Chambord cocktail I’ve had that I didn’t like. Honestly, what kind of drugs was the creator of this cocktail on? Gin and vodka? Tequila and rum? On their own these combinations would be bad, but putting them all in one cocktail is like putting Jerry Garcia and Pat Boone on the same stage — so wrong. I think the next time I want to honor Jerry, I’ll put on one of his ties and eat some Ben & Jerry’s Cherry Garcia.

Drink Up^
Cocktail Connie

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