Tuesday, August 14, 2012


1 measure gin
1 measure apricot brandy
1 measure calvados

Hubby and I celebrated Assumption Day —- the religious celebration of when the Virgin Mary ascended into Heaven — a day early by sharing an ANGEL FACE cocktail with our friends George and Valoree before going to Cain Park for a $2 Tuesday band.

To make the ANGEL FACE, I put equal measures of gin, apricot brandy and calvados, a French apple brandy, into a cocktail shaker. I added ice, shook it well, and strained the potent-smelling mixture into some highball glasses, while reciting the Hail Mary . Garnish was a slice of lemon.

One doesn’t have to be a saint to know that a cocktail that consists solely of three types of alcohol is going to be lethal. The ANGEL FACE is very strong. Everybody you see will have an angel face if you have too many. But the apple and apricot brandies gave it a nice flavor and I had no trouble drinking it. I asked Hubby and our friends to rate the ANGEL FACE from one to five, with five being the best. The ratings and comments are below, and they give a good glimpse into the different reactions to this very different cocktail.

George — I’d give it a three. It doesn’t have a bad flavor. It is just too strong. But I actually really like it. It’d make a good after dinner drink.

Valoree — I’d give it only a one. It is not for me.

Hubby — Whew baby that is strong! I’d say it is a three, and that is being generous. It is too sweet for me.

Cocktail Connie — I’d give it a two. It’s also not for me, but I could easily grow to like it. Finish up everyone and the band will be better!

Drink Up^
Cocktail Connie

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