Sunday, August 5, 2012


1 measure vodka
4 strawberries
1 measure coconut cream
2 tbsp. rich chocolate ice cream

“Ménage-a-trois” is a French term for a household of three where the sexual duties are shared. I think for that kind of arrangement to work, you would all have to be really, really good friends. Hence the drinking of the MéNAGE-A-TROIS cocktail on international Friendship Day.

I am very lucky to have great friends in my life, like my BFF Stephanie, who helped me to create this blog, and all my friends who read it every day and make me feel good with their comments. Most of my friends share my love of chocolate and therefore would love the chocolately MéNAGE-A-TROIS cocktail.

To make it, you’ll need a blender. Put vodka, strawberry, chocolate ice cream — the richer the better — and coconut cream (I used a coconut-flavored heavy whipping cream) into the blender, along with about a cup of shaved ice. Blend and pour into a glass, then garnish with a strawberry and serve to a friend (or two.)

The MéNAGE-A-TROIS cocktail is a creamy delight. The vodka is tasteless. The coconut is barely detectable. But the chocolate and strawberry flavors take over. As I sit here and sip it, it’s hard to even call it a cocktail, because it tastes more like a chocolate-strawberry shake. Life is short. If you are considering a MéNAGE-A-TROIS, I’d say go for it.

Drink Up^
Cocktail Connie

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