Friday, July 27, 2012


1 ½ measures Smirnoff Orange vodka
1 measure Cointreau
1 measure Fresh lime juice
1 measure Pomegranate juice

I was an uptown girl living in an uptown world tonight. Are you singing Billy Joel yet? I sure was and so was the bartender at the Red Hawk in Concord, Ohio, a charming place far from an uptown. Still the cocktails were good. I chose the UPTOWN from their impressive list of patio classic cocktails. The only problem was that I’d had most of the cocktails on the list already!
But not the UPTOWN. To make it the bartender put the ingredients listed above into a cocktail shaker, added ice, shook and strained it into a martini glass. When he asked if I wanted a lime garnish, I said “of course!” (Never turn down a garnish.)

The bartender’s cocktail — and singing — were a hit with me. Hubby took a sip and declared it a “feminine drink,” before going back to his “manly” sidebar cocktail, and our friend Richard said it tasted like JD and lemonade. I thought the combination of pomegranate and orange were fantastic. As expected, it was strong, but the cold martini glass seemed to meld with my hand and all was good.

Drink Up^
Cocktail Connie

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