Wednesday, July 4, 2012


1 1/2 measures vodka
1/2 measure Midori or other melon liqueur
2 measures mango juice
1/2 measure lime juice
Mango garnish

Cocktail Connie is taking the day off to celebrate the fourth of July. Her guest columnists are a drinking committee made up of family and friends sitting around a pool, telling stories, and waiting to be served a LIBERATOR cocktail. To make it, Cocktail Connie put the ingredients listed above into a glass filled with ice, gave it a stir and garnished with mango and lime. You could also shake and strain it first, but the way she did it was easier.

Drinking Committee Comments:

Johnny Steele said "It splashes down the back of my palate with a summery tingle. It makes me want to have fun."

"I like anything you make Cocktail Connie. I always look forward to seeing you. The mango is delightful."

"This melon mango cocktail is awesome and very refreshing for a hot day."

"It's citrusy and refreshing in the 95 degree heat. And as always with your cocktails, it is strong."

"Not too fruity, crisp, perfect summer drink."

"Light, but flavorful. I really taste the mango and it gives that hawaiian feeling."

"Delicious. It makes me want to be on a beach."

"Honestly, the first real drink I like."

Drink Up^
Cocktail Connie

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