Friday, July 13, 2012


Red wine

Had a great day in New York's Finger Lakes. After a morning of swimming and waterskiing on a day with perfect weather, it was time for one of my most favorite activities in all the world- wine tasting. The gals in the group hit five wineries on Keuka Lake, including McGregor's where you get get to keep your glass.

We wandered back to the house and I promptly filled my McGregor's glass about half-way with red wine, then added ice and 7up. Without even knowing it, I had made myself an ITALIAN WINE SPRITZER. It was like a bubbly, lighter red wine. One could call it a low-maintenance Sangria or one could say that it is a way to ruin good red wine. It may all depend on your mood.

I used a Cabernet Sauvignon, but a lighter red wine, like a merlot or pinot noir, would be good to use as well. Just don't use a rose or white wine or it won't be an ITALIAN WINE SPRITZER. Salute!

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