Sunday, July 29, 2012


1 ½ measure gin
1 measure Parfait Armour
Juice of half of a lemon
½ tsp. of sugar or simple syrup
1 egg white

I had a dream about eagles, I swear, a few nights before I made and drank an EAGLE’S DREAM cocktail. In the dream, I was on a speed boat next to David Beckham, just like he was in the opening ceremony of the Olympics. But, instead of going to light the olympic torch, we were following an American Eagle. The wind was flying through my hair, David was smiling, then… I woke up. I hate when that happens!

That eagle may have been a dream, but the fantasy-like EAGLE’S DREAM cocktail was not. What made it so out of this world is the Parfait Armour. The violet-colored, orange-flavored Parfait Armour was popular in ladies drinks in the nineteenth and early twentieth centuries, mainly because of its cool color. It is not easy to find in a liquor store — I had to buy it in Kentucky — so if you see the bottle in your travels, be sure to grab one.

To make the EAGLE’S DREAM cocktail, take that precious bottle of Parfait Armour, and put some of it into a blender in the measurement above, along with the gin, lemon juice, sugar or simple syrup, and one egg white. Add ice to the blender, blend and pour into a large wine goblet. Garnish with a lemon twist.

Thanks to the egg white, the EAGLE’S DREAM is foamy. It took a while for it to settle down after pouring. It is a sweet cocktail, with that expected hint of orange. It had a very unique flavor and a strange aftertaste that’s hard to put my finger on. The EAGLE’S DREAM is not a crowd pleaser, but those with a taste for gin and a sense of adventure — not to mention some additional ice and a melt — will come to love it. Either way, it’s a strong cocktail that comes with a ticket to dreamland. Wait for me David!

Drink Up^
Cocktail Connie

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