Thursday, July 19, 2012


2 ounces vodka
½ ounce crème de cacao
Garnish with chocolate

Took my unpacked bags on another road trip to another lake house today. This round it’s Deepwater Creek Lake, Maryland. I never knew this before, but there is a little strip of Maryland that goes over West Virginia and borders Ohio. It contains pretty mountains and a deep lake that I can’t wait to explore on the boat tomorrow.

We have a styling pad and are with styling friends. The only downside of today is that I’m not with my big sis’ Kari. It’s the 17th anniversary of her 29th birthday and whatever she’s doing, I hope she is having fun. I will celebrate with her next weekend. But in the meantime, I celebrated our shared love of chocolate with a CHOCOLATE MARTINI.

To make it, I put vodka and crème de cacao into a cocktail shaker. I filled it with ice and shook it up, then strained the potent mixture into a martini glass and garnished it with shaved chocolate. Thank God for that shaved chocolate, because, initially, that was the only thing that made this very strong cocktail drinkable.

But then, like my sister, it grew on me. Some ice added, some melt, and about an hour’s time and I started to enjoy the cocktail more. Friend Robin never got that far with her CHOCOLATE MARTINI. In fact, the one I made for her got passed from her to her husband, and it still stayed half-full. I choose this simple recipe because it was a classic and because it meant bringing less bottles. But it was not very chocolately. When I indulge in a CHOCOLATE MARTINI again, I will add some heavy whipping cream. Or better yet, I’ll have one made for me at a martini bar and I’ll go with my sister.

Drink Up^
Cocktail Connie

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