Tuesday, July 24, 2012


1 ½ measure 151 Bacardi Rum
1 measure Malibu rum
5 measures Pineapple juice

“.. 151 rum, pineapple juice, and Malibu, get them all numb…" 

I got hip tonight with a CARIBOU LOU cocktail. For those of you not as in touch with the youth of America as I, the CARIBOU LOU is both a cocktail and a rap song by TechN9ne. Tech didn’t invent the cocktail, but he raps about it in a song that came out earlier this year.

My 19-year old, OU-student niece Margo clued me in on the song and said I should make a CARIBOU LOU for my blog. I don’t like rap, but this blogging experiment is all about trying new things, so I checked the song out on YouTube. It has lewd lyrics and is not for the easily offended. Still, it’s catchy and at one point, TechN9ne raps that “he likes it big and juicy, so don’t pilates nothing,” and with that line, I liked him despite all the filthy other lines.

The song also made for good jamming music as I mixed a CARIBOU LOU cocktail. The song doesn’t give a recipe for the cocktail. There’s only vague references to making a jug of the stuff. The recipe above is the correct measurements for one. To make it, just put the two kinds of rum and the pineapple juice (a 6 oz can is the same as 5 measures) into a cocktail shaker, fill with ice, shake and strain into a large glass filled with ice.

In the song, the CARIBOU LOU is called the ultimate party favor. This is likely because of the Bacardi 151, one of the scariest liquor bottles I’ve ever read. At 151 proof, it came with a large warning label detailing how easily it could burst into flames. This is not a cocktail to sip by the fire. But it is a good cocktail. The pineapple and Malibu cover the powerful punch of the 151 well, and it tastes of a summer porch party. As the ice in the cocktail melted, so did my tension. But I had to stick to one or I “might see double, might see triple.”

Drink Up^
Cocktail Connie

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