Monday, July 2, 2012


1½ measures Canadian whiskey
¼ measure Cointreau
2 dashes Angostura bitters
1 tsp. simple syrup

I know everyone is busy making plans for our national “boom boom,” red, white and blue holiday coming up Wednesday. But while you are busy making other plans, our friendly, non-confrontational neighbor to the north is celebrating Canada Day today.

Canada Day celebrates the 1867 enactment of the British North America Act. That’s when the four Canadian provinces joined together and Canada became its own kingdom (though the British still had some control until 1982.) Canada Day is thought of as Canada’s birthday and there are parades, picnics, fireworks, the whole shebang going on there today. And I bet it’s not as hot as it will be in America on our birthday- eh?

I’m not asking you to don a maple leaf or anything, but in honor of the country that is second only to Russia in size, for goodness sake, at least drink a CANADA COCKTAIL. It’s a sweet whiskey drink made with Canadian Whiskey and Cointreau — two can’t miss ingredients. To make the CANADA COCKTAIL, just put the items listed above into a shaker, add ice, shake and strain into a small cocktail glass. Garnish with lemon or orange. I found it very enjoyable for sipping on the patio, and the aftertaste was palatable. I liked it even better after I added a touch of water in honor of Lake Erie, the body of water that separates my home of Cleveland from Canada. Happy Birthday Canucks!
Drink Up^
Cocktail Connie

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