Tuesday, June 12, 2012


SUNSET BOULEVARD (contains alcohol — and lots of it)
1.25 ounces vodka
3/4 ounce peach schnapps
2 ounces cranberry juice
1 ounce orange juice

The SUNSET BOULEVARD is an easy and very cool looking drink that will impress your friends. To make it, mix the first three ingredients listed above into a cocktail shaker, fill it with ice and shake, then strain the mixture into a cocktail glass. The next part is a little tricky, but is key to a good SUNSET BOULEVARD cocktail. Measure the OJ, then slowly pour it into the glass. You’ll find that once it settles, it creates a top layer of pink and a bottom layer of orange, like a pretty sunset. The SUNSET BOULEVARD is fruity, peachy and delicious. And amazingly, it will stay layered the whole time you are drinking it. It would be good to drink at sunset, because about three will put you to bed for the night. I would have loved to drink it while watching a real sunset on the beach today. Sadly, it was not to be and I had to drink it in the rain.

CINDERELLA (contains no alcohol, but it’s still good)
1 1/2 ounce orange juice
1 1/2 ounce pineapple juice
3 slices lemon 3 slices lime

For those who for one reason or another have to forgo an alcoholic cocktail, the CINDERELLA will make them feel like royalty. The awesome part comes from muddling the lemon and lime slices. Do this in the glass you are going to use first. Then put the muddled citrus into a shaker along with the two juices listed above. Shake with ice and pour the whole thing into a glass, then serve. The partakers in my crowd really liked the pulp and thought the CINDERELLA was really refreshing, though a little on the sour side. It was different and fun to make, and since it is alcohol-free, you are sure to hang on to your glass slippers.

Drink Up^
Cocktail Connie

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