Sunday, June 3, 2012


Jack Daniels Whiskey
Imitation Vanilla

Another day, another person’s birthday. In fact, today there are 19 million people in the world with a birthday, 859,178 of them living in the U.S. alone. 3.7 million Chinese and 3.2 million Indians are also having a birthday today.

But the only person’s birthday that I care about is the one being celebrated by M.C. Matt, or M.C., is a long-time friend and all-around great guy, but his cocktail choices are questionable. When I saw him last night and asked him for the name of his favorite cocktail, so I could drink it on his birthday, he said he liked Southern Comfort on the rocks or a JACK & COKE. So far, I’ve not been a big fan of Southern Comfort, so I went with the traditional JACK & COKE cocktail, adding some vanilla to the mix just to sweeten the deal.

JACK & COKE is made with Jack Daniel’s Tennessee whiskey, which is mellowed through stacks of sugar maple charcoal, giving it a unique smoothness. To make the JACK & COKE cocktail, just mix one part Jack with three parts Coke over ice and stir. Only Coca-Cola will do. Its sweetness is the best match for the smoky Jack. For variety, you can add a teaspoon of vanilla, like I did, or substitute Cherry Coke for regular coke.

Everyone from bikers to divas to people nicknamed M.C. like a JACK & COKE, and now I taste why. The JACK & COKE is sweet, silky and, with 80-proof Jack, is a sure fire way to get hammered when you want to. I think about three of these would put me in a tailspin the likes of which is rarely seen. I liked the addition of the vanilla to my cocktail, but it is by no means a necessity. The JACK & COKE stands of its own just fine. If you like coke, try this can’t miss cocktail. One-hundred years from now, people will still be drinking it. It’s just a classic.
Drink Up^
Cocktail Connie

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