Thursday, June 21, 2012


1½ measure vodka
2 measures orange juice
¾ measure Campari

The city of Genoa is the sixth largest in Italy. Genoa is also the nickname for a type of jib invented by an Italian sailor. And as I found out tonight, it is also the name of a pretty bad drink.

The GENOA cocktail sounded easy and good. The recipe said it is like a strong screwdriver. To make it, I just put the three ingredients above into a highball glass, added lots of ice and stirred, garnishing with an orange slice. And let me tell you, that orange slice was the best part of the GENOA.

The GENOA cocktail no doubt got its name from the Campari — an Italian liquor made from herbs, fruit and bitters. And the Campari was the problem. It made the cocktail too bitter. Hubby said it tasted like grapefruit juice gone bad, but he managed to finish it. I thought it tasted like I was drinking pure bitters and was unable to finish it. As much as I love all things Italian, it just ain’t so with this cocktail. A screwdriver is much better.

Drink Up^
Cocktail Connie

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