Monday, June 18, 2012


1 measure light rum
1 measure Malibu
1 measure cranberry juice
1 measure lemon juice
1 measure orange juice
1 measure simple syrup
½ measure dark rum

I hope the bad Rocky movie theme song from 1982 by the classic eighties band Survivor titled “Eye of the Tiger” doesn’t discourage you from trying an EYE OF THE TIGER cocktail. Because if you are looking for a good pool or beachside drink, this could be your middle weight champion cocktail of the summer.

To make an EYE OF THE TIGER, don’t be intimidated and gather all those ingredients listed above, many of which you probably already have at home. Put every one except the dark rum into a shaker, fill it with ice, shake and strain into a highball glass half filled with ice. Then gingerly sprinkle the dark rum on top and garnish with an orange slice.

I loved the EYE OF THE TIGER and it is going into my permanent memory bank of good cocktails. Of course, rum and juice is a classic combo, but this cocktail takes it to a new level. It seems like its effects will be seen very quickly and it is so good that you can easily drink more than one. Hubby said it tastes like a weak sidecar, but I think his taste buds are being affected by all this alcohol, because the only common ingredient between the two cocktails is the lemon juice. I would especially recommend it for anyone going to see the Rock of Ages movie — it would be perfect.

Drink Up^
Cocktail Connie

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