Wednesday, June 6, 2012


1 measure brandy
¾ measure ruby port
¾ measure heavy whipping cream
Dash of crème de cacao

In the mid-twentieth century, the Hotel Chatham in New York City took up two blocks on Vanderbilt Avenue, from E. 48th to E. 49th Street. It was hip-hop happening and rooms were only $5. I would have liked to have stayed there and to have partaken of their signature cocktail, the CHATHAM HOTEL SPECIAL.

The hotel is gone, but thanks to the Vintage Spirits & Forgotten Cocktails book, the cocktail recipe is not. To make the CHATHAM HOTEL SPECIAL cocktail, you’ll need the ingredients above. I was very happy to finally use up the port given to me by my conscientious son-in-law at Easter time and sitting on my counter ever since. I mixed the port with the other ingredients in a shaker filled with ice. I then strained the lavender-colored, frothy mix into a cocktail glass. None of these old-time cocktails seem to have used garnish. I’m sure fresh fruit wasn’t readily available a century or more ago, and while in general, that must have sucked, at least a bartender’s job was a little easier.

You will love the CHATHAM HOTEL SPECIAL. It is like a port milkshake, but lighter and is definitely more of an aperitif than a starter cocktail. The creamy taste shouldn’t fool you, the CHATHAM HOTEL SPECIAL is especially strong and likely ensured that hotel guests enjoyed a good night’s rest. Hubby says it is the best cocktail I’ve made in a week and I agree.

Drink Up^
Cocktail Connie

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