Wednesday, May 2, 2012


1 measure gold tequila
5 measures lemon juice
1 measure orange juice
1-2 tbsp. of clear honey
2/3 measure crème de cassis

Happy Birthday Cheryl! Hope you had a fun time celebrating in NYC. In your honor, I drank some tequila tonight. Have you ever had a TEQUILA SUNSET? I hadn’t and I thought I’d give it a try, especially since I know that you like to be different and having the well-known Tequila Sunrise cocktail would be too boring and predictable.

To make the TEQUILA SUNSET, I mixed gold tequila, lemon and orange juice, in the measurements above, into a clear glass pitcher. I filled the pitcher with ice, then stirred it and let it sit about 10 minutes until it was nice and chill. I then strained the orange mixture into a cocktail glass. I poured in some honey, stirred again, then poured in the crème de cassis, and this time let it be. No stirring.

I loved the layered look of the TEQUILA SUNSET, and its illustrious taste is perfect for a birthday celebration. Even though I’m not a big tequila fan, I saw the bottom of my glass (where the honey was stuck) very quickly, then I made myself another. The blackberry flavor of the cassis balanced out the citrus nicely, but on the second glass, I toned down the amount of lemon juice and it was better. After drinking two, I had reached the sunset of my evening and knew I had better stop if I wanted to see the sunrise the next day. You gotta give a it a try.

Drink Up^
Cocktail Connie

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