Sunday, May 6, 2012


6 parts vodka
1 part pomegranate juice
1 part triple sec
1 splash lime juice
1 slice of orange

The Derby Party turned into a Cinco De Mayo Party, that segue weighed into a Supermoon Gazing Party. Gotta love a Trifecta, especially one that is topped off with a POMEGRANATE MARTINI.

I’ve been spoiled by having my first ever POMEGRANATE MARTINI made for me by Joe, the very talented bartender at Bistro 70 in Painesville, Ohio. He said fresh pomegranate juice is the key to a good one. To make the POMEGRANATE MARTINI, Joe put his special supply of fresh pomegranate juice, vodka, triple sec, and lime juice into a shaker. He added ice, shook and strained it into a nice large martini glass — that I wouldn’t have to wash later — and topped it off with a slice of orange.

Joe’s POMEGRANATE MARTINI was fresh, light and soo lusciously good it’s dangerous. I didn’t taste the alcohol, I just tasted the good. I don’t even like plain pomegranate juice, like those annoying Pom-Pom bottles that they sell in the grocery store for about $8 a small bottle. But when mixed in a martini, real deal pomegranate juice takes on a whole new meaning for me. Thanks Joe.

Drink Up^
Cocktail Connie

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