Thursday, April 12, 2012


1 measure tequila
1 measure Cointreau
1 measure fresh lime juice

Let the margarita taste test begin! I made one at home tonight and I’ll go out for one this weekend, then judge which one I liked better. The recipe I used tonight is from the book, Vintage Spirits and Forgotten Cocktails. It’s a recipe from the early days of cocktails, when it was unacceptable to use an artificial, corn-syrupy mix for a margarita instead of free-squeezed lime juice. The ORIGINAL MARGARITA was more of a cocktail than a frozen drink back then. It was small, shakened and simple.

To make the ORIGINAL MARGARITA, you’ll just need the three ingredients listed above. Put equal parts of them into a shaker, add lots of ice, shake it well to chill, and strain into a glass half-filled with ice. I also added salt to the rims by squeezing a little lime juice on them before dipping in margarita salt, and added a lime slice to garnish. I only wish I had margarita glasses.
If you like margaritas, you have to try the ORIGINAL MARGARITA. It’s margaritas done right. Hubby said it’s the only way he’s going to drink them from now on. His was gone in about five minutes. I thought the ORIGINAL MARGARITA was great — strong, sour, but not too tart. And a million pesos better than a mix. Not much harder to make either. These fixins are coming with me if it ever gets warm enough in Ohio to have a drink on a beach. Maybe July…
Drink Up^
Cocktail Connie

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