Saturday, April 21, 2012


Small, Medium or Large. How do you like your Orgasm?
1 ½ ounce Baileys Irish Cream
1 ½ ounce Cointreau

After years, heck, decades of pleading, I finally gave my friend Billy an ORGASM, and he loved it. Don’t worry, hubby got one too. Even my brother-in-law Joe got into the act. Afterwards, we all watched the show Cops to get some tips on how to get out of trouble in case we ever get pulled over. Plus it made us feel smart.

Other than it being fun for word play, the ORGASM cocktail is good, and it was perfect for a Saturday night at home. The ORGASM is a creamy, chocolaty, sipping kind of cocktails that will throw you for a loop. Making the cocktail is much easier than achieving its namesake. You just slowly build it by putting equal parts Baileys and Cointreau into a shaker, filling it with ice, and then pouring the thick mixture into a cocktail glass of your choosing. You don’t taste much orange flavoring from the Cointreau. The Bailey’s takes the cocktail over, and since I love Baileys, I loved the ORGASM. Try one for yourself and I guarantee, you’ll feel better afterwards.

Drink Up^
Cocktail Connie

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