Saturday, April 28, 2012



2 orange slices (one for muddling and one for garnish)
2 maraschino cherries (one for muddling and one for garnish)
1 teaspoon superfine sugar
2 dashes Angostura bitters
2 ½ ounces bourbon or rye
Club soda

Ever since having the original OLD FASHIONED cocktail on Wednesday, I wanted to give the OLD FASHIONED #2 cocktail recipe a try. It is similar to the other one, but this one has fruit too, so I thought I might like it better. Sometimes I need a little more interference between me and the liquor. It’s also what most aficionados have come to expect when ordering an OLD FASHIONED.

To make it, I first de-stemmed a maraschino cherry and muddled it (love muddling!) with the sugar, bitters, and, an orange slice without the rind, at the bottom of a short rocks glass. I then added a splash of soda and stirred it up, before adding ice cubes and the bourbon. The grand finale came in the form of a garnish with the remaining cherry and orange slice.

So did I like it better? That I did. I think that the OLD FASHIONED #2 was created for someone like me, who is just starting to develop a taste for brown liquor. The orange and cherry flavors really helped to balance the strong taste of the bourbon. I was able to sip it for a nice, long, enjoyable hour, and my eyes are really becoming open to the beauty of brown liquor. It can be sipped, serve it purpose — which in my case was medicinal for my toothache —and not give you a hangover the next day. There are as many ways to mix an OLD FASHIONED as there are baby boomers in Florida, but I’ve bonded with this one.

Drink Up^
Cocktail Connie

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