Saturday, April 14, 2012


2 measures Loopy Three Olives Vodka
1 measure pineapple juice
1 measure sour mix
1 measure blue Curacao

Loving tonight’s LOOPY LADY cocktail made for me by the creative bartender at Ziggys in Amherst, Ohio, where I was celebrating my cousin Kim’s birthday and hanging out with some Tough Mudderers.

I told the Ziggys bartender about my mission to drink a cocktail every night and she rose to my challenge to make me a good one. To make the LOOPY LADY, she put the ingredients above into a shaker, filled it with ice, shook it well and strained it into a martini glass, garnishing with a lime. I don’t think there is any cocktail you can’t garnish with lime.

I was a little leery of the Loopy, having no idea what type of flavor vodka that was. I haven’t had many of the strangely-named flavored vodkas, except for Bubblegum, and it was way too sweet, even for me. I was afraid Loopy flavored would also be too sweet, but I had nothing to fear. The LOOPY LADY was damn good, and it had a nice balance of sweet and sour. With pineapple juice and blue Caracao, this cocktail reminded me of a Blue Hawaiian, but the addition of the sour mix stopped it from being that sweet.

I had no problem quickly seeing the bottom of that martini glass. And after finishing my LOOPY LADY, I was definitely feeling a little loopy with a mind as fuzzy as the picture I took. Alas, it was also just the beginning of a night filled with many delicious cocktails introduced to me by Kim and her friends. For with age, comes wisdom.

Drink Up^
Cocktail Connie

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