Monday, April 30, 2012


1 measure vodka
1 measure Bailey’s Irish Cream

Remember Halley’s Comet? It’s that big, cool looking comet that orbits the sun and can be seen from Earth every 76-79 years. It last appeared in 1986 and won’t appear again until 2061 or so. Until then, kill time by drinking a scrumptious BAILEY’S COMET cocktail.

I love easy two-ingredient cocktails, especially on a Monday, and this one was both easy and delicious. To make a BAILEY’S COMET, put one measure each of vodka and Baileys into a rocks glass with crushed ice and stir. That’s it! I already loved Bailey’s plain on ice, but this makes Bailey’s better. Sure, you may see stars after doubling up on the alcohol, but I think it’s worth it. To me, plain Bailey’s was too thick. Vodka thins it out nicely and, since vodka is virtually tasteless, the cocktail still tastes predominantly like Irish Cream. In other words- good!

Drink Up^
Cocktail Connie

1 comment:

  1. In 1986 two best friends, went to Steak & Ale on Lee road in Orlando for early afternoon cocktails. The bartender, Maggie, who we knew from several bars in Ft. Lauderdale in earlier years was our favorite "Bar Keep", we even followed her in later years to Flagler beach. Anyway, that particular day we hit on the notion we should name a drink after Haleys Comet which was big news at the time due to it's rare appearance near Earth. We asked Maggie to help us and we came up with one part Stoli and one part Baileys with cracked ice in a large rock glass. Of course we named it Baileys Comet. Later that year, Maggie made her annual trip to Holiday Isle in the Florida Keys for the Bartenders convention. She entered her drink in the competition "Baileys Comet" and won the event. Our legacy Joe & Bill
