Saturday, March 24, 2012


1 measure vodka
¾ measure Southern Comfort
¾ measure sloe gin
5 measures orange juice

The 1970s must have been a fun time. Hippies, bellbottoms, School House Rock and the Partridge Family are just some of the delightful things that came out of that era. A fun cocktail with an embarrassing name, the SLOW COMFORTABLE SCREW, is also a product of the 1970s. It has since turned into a modern-day classic.

To make the SLOW COMFORTABLE SCREW, you’ll need the four ingredients above. Southern Comfort is a sweet fusion of fruit and spices concocted in New Orleans. Sloe gin is a creamy, purple, liqueur made when sloe berries are infused with high-proof gin and a little bit of sugar. Sloes are little berries, about the size of a dime, that grow wild in hedgerows all over England. By themselves, they taste terrible. But the Brits figured out that they taste much better after they are soaked in alcohol. Hence the tart, but delicious, sloe gin was born. Take the Southern Comfort, the sloe gin, and the vodka, in the measurements above, and put them into a tall glass with ice. Give it a stir before filling the rest of the glass with orange juice and adding a cherry for garnish. I read that a straw is a must as well.

The SLOW COMFORTABLE SCREW reminds me of Spring Break and my beginning years of drinking. I have fuzzy memories of ordering it at bars just for the fun of saying its name. Now I know why. The SLOW COMFORTABLE SCREW is way sweet, like fruit punch. Its dark pink and easy to drink. I enjoyed one, but then I needed a beer to counter-balance it. If you like sweet drinks, or simply want to revisit your youth, this is the cocktail for you.

Drink Up^
Cocktail Connie

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