Wednesday, March 14, 2012


1 measure Stoli Raspberry Vodka
1 measure Chambord
½ measure lime juice
Sugar for the rim

Wow! Another great day at Big Sky. The weather was constantly changing with powder and high winds in the morning, and sun and slush in the afternoon. Either way, it was an epic day for the crew I was with, which included a dumb old fool. They took a tram ride to the top of Lone Peak despite the high winds, and lived to tell the tale.

The day ended at Carabiner Lounge at the Summit Hotel at the base of Big Sky, where Michelle from New Hampshire served the gang, which included another Michelle. You guessed it, the one from Big Sky. She took us to the Carabiner for one cocktail, which turned into two, which turned into a quick haul to the free parking people mover. Must have been the Carabiner’s cushy chairs.

While at the Carabiner, I partook of a RAMCHARGER RASPBERRY cocktail. Ramcharger is one of Big Sky’s best lifts and I knew I must pay it some homage. I was glad I did. The RAMCHARGER RASPBERRY, all $11 of it, was a perfect après ski cocktail. It was sweet, but not too sweet. It was refreshing, light and awesome.

To make it, you put the ingredients above into a shaker. Fill it with ice. Shake it, strain it, and pour it into a martini glass rimmed with sugar (one of the best parts.) Garnish with lime. Or don’t bother and just start sipping. If you are like me, each sip of the RAMCHARGER RASPBERRY will re-affirm your belief in Chambord. I think you could mix it with moose poop and it’d be good. $11 is a lot for a cocktail, but the RAMCHARGER RASPBERRY was worth every penny.

Drink Up^
Cocktail Connie

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