Thursday, March 22, 2012


1 ½ measures gin
1 ½ measures freshly squeezed orange juice

As spring continues to bloom, so does the ORANGE BLOSSOM cocktail. Pretty name, isn’t it? Pretty good drink too and pretty simple. To make the ORANGE BLOSSOM, put gin and orange juice in the measurement above into a shaker. Add ice, shake and strain into a martini glass. Garnish with an orange slice for flair and fun.

I know the ORANGE BLOSSOM is just a gin and juice, but I really enjoyed its simple taste. It makes me think that orange juice would make any type of clear alcohol taste good. In fact, the ORANGE BLOSSOM was very popular at the Speakeasies during the 1920s Prohibition Era, because the orange juice masked the flavor of homemade bathtub gin. Thank God those days are over! Never take the fact that you can walk into a liquor store and purchase 20 different flavors of vodka for granted.

Drink Up^
Cocktail Connie

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