Wednesday, March 7, 2012


2 measures vodka
1 measure Benedictine brandy
Dash of Angostura bitters

The GIPSY cocktail will always be special to me. It is the first drink I made with crushed ice from my new refrigerator. When I saw that our new fridge had a crushed ice feature, I knew my cocktailing had just been raised to a higher level.

When you use crushed ice in a cocktail, the drink instantly becomes more like a slushy and is easier to drink. Crushed ice also melts quicker, diluting the alcohol to a more drinkable level. This benefit was especially needed for the GIPSY, a strong cocktail in need of some watering down. To make it, I merely put vodka and Benedictine brandy in the measurements above into an old-fashioned glass half-filled with, you guessed it, crushed ice. I then added a drop or two of Angostura bitters and gave it a stir. No garnish necessary.

Hubby absolutely loved the GIPSY. “This is awesome. Now this is a drink,” were his exact words I believe. I think he’s sick of the fruity drinks we’ve had a lot of lately. I thought this cocktail sounded kinda gross, with vodka and a brandy mixed together, and some would interpret it that way. But I didn’t. I truly liked it and drank the whole glass. It got even better when the ice melted. The crushed ice that is.

Drink Up^
Cocktail Connie

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