Friday, March 9, 2012


2 measures peach schnapps
4 measures orange juice

I’m off to Big Sky, Montana, today and I needed some packer’s fuel this morning to help motivate me to get ready. The fuel consisted of Cheerios, strawberries, coffee and a FUZZY NAVEL cocktail. To make the FUZZY NAVEL, I filled a tall glass with crushed ice. I then added two measures of peach schnapps, and filled the glass the rest of the way with orange juice. I gave it a stir and added a slice of orange left over from yesterday for garnish.

I’ve always appreciated a FUZZY NAVEL and this one was no exception. The schnapps adds a lot of sweetness to the orange juice, which I like, and a FUZZY NAVEL is not nearly as harsh as a screwdriver. (Although anything at 9 am is a little harsh.) As I sipped the morning cocktail, it brought back memories of baby and bridal showers held on Sunday mornings. I’m part of a large family and we’ve had many, many showers. Once the FUZZY NAVELS begin, so does the non-stop talking and laughter.

I’ll be spending the next nine days and nights in Big Sky. The days will be filled with skiing, and the nights with food and drink. My good friend Michelle lives in Big Sky and is always a great host. Her husband Lee works at the main bar at the base of the mountain. I can’t wait for the cocktails he’s gonna pour me. I hope your warming up your jigger Lee!

1 comment:

  1. Hi Connie! Love the blog! Need some good advice in the drink area. We are looking for something to take to the beach when we go to Sanibel this year. Something we can keep at the beach and drink all day long (we carry ice in the cooler). Let us know if you have any great beachable drinks on your list. Miss Ya! Tiffany and Rob
