Sunday, February 19, 2012


The Yummy White Hot Chocolate
3 pints milk (1.75 liters)
6 oz. white chocolate broken into small pieces
½ measure coffee powder
4 measures Cointreau
Whipped cream and ground cinnamon for garnish

OMG — If you are a fan of hot chocolate, you have to try the WHITE HOT CHOCOLATE. It’s different, but just as delicious as traditional hot chocolate and will warm from the inside out. Though the WHITE HOT CHOCOLATE is a bit of a pain to make, I found it to be the perfect drink to sip while taking a break from a day of skiing with the family at Holimont in New York.

To start with, you’ll need a lot of milk. Three pints or 1.75 liters is just a tad shy of a full half-gallon container, which is 1.89 liters. So pour most of a half-gallon of milk, I used 2%, into a large pan and heat it on the stove until is it almost boiling. Then take the pan off the heat and add lots of white chocolate (I used Dove white chocolate Bliss), a little bit of coffee powder or instant coffee, and some Cointreau orange liquor. Stir the ingredients while you add them to the pan to melt the chocolate and dissolve the coffee. Then pour it into mugs, and top with whipped cream and a sprinkle of cinnamon.

When you make it you’ll find that the WHITE HOT CHOCOLATE is sweet and a bit heavy, but also a bit of heaven. The orange liquor and white chocolate make for a great pair. The flavor reminded me of an orange creamsicle, but warmer and smoother. The WHITE HOT CHOCOLATE would be a hit at a holiday party, especially if you added a cinnamon stick or crushed peppermint as garnish. I think I’ll be having dreams about this cocktail for the rest of my life.

Drink Up^
Cocktail Connie

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