Friday, February 17, 2012


1 measure gin
¼ measure pineapple juice
¼ measure orange juice
¼ measure lemon juice
¼ measure pineapple syrup (from a can)
1 drop Angostura bitters

We took a trip to Holiday Valley Honolulu via the HONOLULU shot tonight. It was pretty good, but not spectacular, and I was never transported to the Big Island through my taste buds. Still, for a shot, I’d do it again.

Worcestershire sauce and soap were words used by my fellow shot drinkers. But the soap comment came from Kristy, who never drinks anything that is not sweet. She said she likes the effects of alcohol, but not the taste.

To make the HONOLULU, take the gin, juices and syrup listed above, put them into a shaker, fill it with ice and shake away. Put the cold concoction into shot glasses, then STOP. I know you are tempted to drink it already, but don’t. The pista’ resistance (probably spelled that wrong) is the Angostura bitters. Put a few drops in, thennn take shot.

I liked it better than my friends, but it’s not high on the list. The real Honolulu would be much better. But I guess I’ll have to settle for Holiday Valley.

Drink Up^
Cocktail Connie

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