Sunday, February 26, 2012


1 ½ measure gin
Tonic water

I survived a long weekend in Vegas, where we were celebrating friend Valoree’s big 4-0 birthday, but just barely. The lack of sleep, excessive walking, continual cocktailing, sporadic gambling, people gawking, and overall sensory overload has worn me down and I may be in bed by 8 pm, which is 5 pm Vegas time.

Yet, the cocktailing must go on. Thank goodness I never said the cocktails always had to be fancy, because today’s cocktail is anything but. It’s a straightforward GIN & TONIC and I drank it in honor of my good friend Scott Gibson’s birthday. Scott loves GIN & TONICS almost as much as he loves his lovely wife and three boys. And, just like Scott, this cocktail is not too demanding, which is a good thing. Demanding cocktail concoctions and just getting back from Vegas do not mix.

 To make it, I simply added 1 ½ measures of gin to a rocks glass with ice. I then filled up the rest of the glass with tonic and gave it a stir before adding a slice of lime for garnish. The result is a refreshing drink that is easy on the stomach. I’m not a big tonic fan, but I could see getting use to regularly sipping GIN & TONICS.

And unlike yesterday’s GIN & TONIC, which my husband drank from a large plastic tube, the amount of today’s cocktail is just right for settling in to watch the Oscars. And though tasty, this cocktail will not make me ill. (Just in case you’re wondering — hubby passed on the cocktail and is already in bed.)

Drink Up^
Cocktail Connie

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