Wednesday, February 1, 2012


½ measure dry white vermouth
2 ½ measures gin
2 cocktail onions

This week is the anniversary of the day that Les Paul patented his electric Gibson Guitar in 1962. That guitar helped to pave the way for rock n’ roll. To me, life would not be worth living without rock n’ roll, so I am grateful to Les. I decided to toast him, and my good friends the Gibsons in New Paltz, NY, with a GIBSON cocktail.

To make my GIBSON, I put vermouth and gin in the measurements above into a glass pitcher with lots of ice. I then stirred for a while to get it nice and cold, and strained it into a martini glass. Lastly, I skewered some cute little cocktail onions, which can be found at your local liquor store, onto a cocktail stick and added it to the glass.

The GIBSON is a strong drink for sure, but it’s suppose to be. To drink it properly, you are expected to take a small bite of the onion, then a sip. Can’t really say if this made drinking it any easier, but it was kinda fun. The GIBSON is really just a gin martini with an onion instead of an olive, but, like I said, they are cute onions and the cocktail is worth a try. Apparently, the GIBSON is popular in Japan, just like my friends the Gibsons. Someday I would like to drink a GIBSON, with the Gibsons, in Japan.

Drink Up^
Cocktail Connie

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