Thursday, February 23, 2012


¾ measure Galliano
¾ measure amaretto
½ measure white rum
½ measure lime juice
2 measures unsweetened mandarin juice from a can

We made it safely to Las Vegas and, though it was midnight in Ohio by the time we checked in, we had to wander and explore, and gamble a bit. We had just wandered into the Flamingo Casino when I realized that I’d had many drinks so far, but I still needed my official cocktail of the day. I happened to have the recipe for the LOST BIKINI cocktail in my purse, (yes, that’s how I travel these days) so I sat at the video poker bar and handed it to the nice gentleman bartender.
To make the LOST BIKINI cocktail, Mr. Nice Gentleman Bartender took the ingredients above, put them into a shaker, added ice, gave it shake and strained it into martini glasses for me and my partners in crime. He handed them to us with these words of warning, “Watch out. That is a strong drink.”

Mr. Nice Gentleman Bartender was right. The LOST BIKINI is a strong drink and a dangerous drink, because it is also a very good drink. It was tangy, sweet and entirely sippable while playing video poker. Partner Valoree said it made her wish she was in a hot pink bikini sipping it by the pool and Partner George said it tasted like a tequila sunrise, minus the tequila. If you’re looking for a whopper of a drink, try the LOST BIKINI. Just be careful getting off the barstool.
Drink Up^
Cocktail Connie

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