Friday, February 3, 2012


1 measure vodka
1 measure 7up
1/2 squeezed orange
1/2 small can of Red Bull

We are heading to Holiday Valley in New York again for a weekend of skiing and there a few things I know for sure:

1. The men will head to the Depot dive bar tonight no matter how late we get there.

2. There will be lots of cell phone calls while skiing tomorrow that start with "where are you?"

3. At some point host Richard will yell "RICKY BOBBY!"

4. We will go to the bar at Yodler Lodge and see bartender Sweet Melissa.

The BARE'S BULL cocktail that I'm enjoying as we go down the road is the invention of Sweet Melissa. She told me that Red Bull held a contest at the lodge for the bartender who made the best drink with Red Bull, and this cocktail won it. I can see why.

The BARE'S BULL cocktail is delicious. It is my new RBV, and I may never drink plain Red Bull and vodka again. It is like an orange RBV with some fiz.

To make it, mix the ingredients above into a glass with ice and stir. Be sure to use a fresh orange and to use a red cup if traveling. Thanks for the recipe Sweet Melissa. See you tomorrow!

Drink Up^
Cocktail Connie

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