Wednesday, January 11, 2012


1 ½ measure green crème de menthe
1 measure gin
2 ½ measures pineapple juice

Today’s cocktail, ROUND THE WORLD, is in honor of Amelia Earhart Day. Earhart is one of my all-time favorite women in history. As one of the world’s most famous pilots and the first female aviator to fly solo across the Atlantic Ocean, Earhart really had a pair, if you know what I mean. She never let anything stop her from her ambitious pursuits, and, as an interesting side note, was one of the first proponents of an open marriage. That woman knew what she wanted, went for it and usually got it. Still, she never did complete her dream to fly around the world. She tried in 1937, but got lost somewhere around Fiji and was never heard from again.

Be sure to have a toast to Earhart after you make the ROUND THE WORLD.  To make the cocktail, you’ll need a shaker. Put the ingredients above into said shaker, fill it with ice and shake. Then strain the colorful mixture into a balloon or wine glass, preferably a chilled one. Garnish with pineapple or a strawberry if you want to get all fancy.

As you can see, the drink is a vibrant green color thanks to the crème de menthe. The crème de menthe also creates a very minty taste, but the pineapple juice and gin cuts the mintyness down to a tolerable level. The ROUND THE WORLD had a tropical feel and an interesting texture. My husband and I both liked it, but he said it was “wonderful.” I wouldn’t say it was all that, but I liked it and it was different.

It’d be a good one to sip while watching the 2009 move Amelia. It stars Hilary Swank and Richard Gere, and shows you just how special Earhart was. The movie is better than the drink in my opinion, but give it a whirl for yourself and let me know what you think.

Drink Up^
Cocktail Connie

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