Monday, January 2, 2012


1 measure gin
1 measure dry vermouth
1 measure sweet red vermouth

A quality cocktail? Yes. A unique cocktail? Yes. A strong cocktail? Yes. But a perfect cocktail? No. I picked this cocktail because of the name, but I will still be searching for my own version of the perfect cocktail. Thank God I have another 364 days to find it!

To make the PERFECT COCKTAIL and many of the other cocktails I’ll be reviewing this year, you’ll need two basic pieces of bartending equipment — a shaker and a jigger. A classic shaker is made of metal and holds enough for two drinks. I always had many trials and tribulations getting the top off of a shaker when it was frozen shut, so I found a shaker at Dean Supply (3500 Woodland Avenue, Cleveland) that I just love. You can see it in the picture above. It is clear glass and has a screw top. No more struggling to get the shaker lid off! Cocktailing must be as stress free as possible.

The measure or jigger is also a very important part of stress-free cocktailing. It is a single-piece, double-sided cup, and is also usually metal. The jigger’s larger-sized cup equals one measure and the smaller side equals a half measure. I’ll most often reference measures in the recipes. If you don’t have a measure, the following will be helpful to you:

1 measure = 1 ½ tablespoons
¾ measure = 3 teaspoons
½ measure = 2 teaspoons
¼ measure = 1 teaspoon
1 dash = a pinch, a splash, a drop, and sometimes a smidgen

To make the PERFECT COCKTAIL, just mix the ingredients above using the measures provided. I wanted to make two, so I doubled the measurements, putting the gin and the two types of vermouth into a shaker. Then I filled the shaker with ice and, well, shook it. Then I poured and my husband stuck the grapefruit slices on there- don't ask me why. We both drank up and I liked it better than him, which is amazing, because he is more of a martini drinker than me.

I could easily sip a PERFECT COCKTAIL every now and then, and think it is a good use of gin. But it is also too strong for my taste. I would recommend adding ice, though that is not what the cocktail book recommends. If you are a gin lover, give it a try. I’m trying to become a gin lover, but this drink didn’t help.

Drink Up^
Cocktail Connie

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