Wednesday, January 25, 2012


I hear refridgerator pictures are all the rage!
½ pineapple
4 Medjool dates, pitted
1 small, ripe banana
The juice from 1 lemon
½ pint very cold whole milk

According to Websters, a cocktail is defined as a “mixed drink.” That means there are non-alcoholic cocktails too and, though I prefer some, OK, a lot, of alcohol in my mixes, some days a virgin one sounds good too. Especially on days like today when I have to work, pack, then get on the road for a good eight hours. A group of us crazy people are driving to Vermont for three days of skiing in Stratton. The skiing will be great. The drive — not so much.

I stayed up way too late last night and I am dragging, so the CREAMY BANANA BOOST cocktail sounded like just the ticket. The description says it will give you a boost that will last for hours. To make the CREAMY BANANA BOOST, put the ingredients above into a blender. Be sure to pit your sticky Medjool dates — a former delicacy in Morocco reserved only for royalty — by cutting them in half. Then blend away. My blender had a little bit of a hard time with the dates, but in the end, I got a creamy concoction that was yummy and unique. I’m not a big smoothie fan, but I’ll make this again. The flavors mixed well and it feels healthy.

Hope the boost takes affect soon — gotta go pack!

Drink Up^
Cocktail Connie

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