Monday, January 30, 2012


1 ½ measures Scotch
¾ measures sweet red vermouth
¼ measure Benedictine

Named after Scotland’s national poet, the BOBBY BURNS cocktail kinda burns — your throat. It’s sweet, but strong, and probably best for Scotch lovers. I’m working on getting a taste for brown liquor and the nice flavor of the BOBBY BURNS cocktail helps, but my tummy is not quite there yet.

To make the BOBBY BURNS, simply put the three ingredients above into a cocktail glass with ice and stir slightly. I’d never tried Benedictine liqueur before, though I’ve heard of the monks. Benedictine is from France and is described on the bottle as “distilled and mellowed in an extravagant palace located in Fecamp, France. Benedictine is a subtle alchemy of 27 different herbs and spices made from a secret recipe dating back to 1510.” That may explain its weird smell. It has an interesting red seal on the bottle too, maybe from the monks, maybe from the keepers of the extravagant palace, or maybe it’s the seal of the Dead Poets Society. Buy a bottle, make a BOBBY BURNS and come up with your own theory.

Drink Up^
Cocktail Connie

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